• Wholesale Fat Loss Slimming Beauty Capsule (30 capsules supply)

Fat Loss Slimming Beauty Capsule (30 capsules supply)

  • item#FLSB
  • Retail price: US$20.00
  • Wholesale Price: 15.00

  • Start from: 1 Unit(s)

    Qty.Range(unit) Price(per unit) Discount
    1 US$15.00 0%
    2-3 US$14.00 6.67%
    4-6 US$13.00 13.33%
    7-9 US$12.00 20%
    10-12 US$11.00 26.67%
    13-15 US$10.50 30%
    16-18 US$10.00 33.33%
    19-25 US$9.50 36.67%
    26--max US$9.00 40%
    Large Order:


Slimming Beauty Fat Loss Capsule (Big box) , 30 Capsules each box:

Fat Loss Slimming Beauty is a combination of traditional medicine and techniques. It chooses stem, leaf, bud and fruit of different plants, and vinegar without any pollution as its raw material. It is refined by high-tech biotechnology. The product contains active ingredients such as natural and saponins. It is proved by functional test that this product can lose weight, reduce the fat on and waist, lower rate of body fat and thickness of sebum. It also has the function of weight lose and skin care.

[Raw Materials]
: vinegar, gynostemma pentaphylla, lotus leaf, haw, polygonum multiflorum thunb, fomes japonica, licorice flavor
[Specification] : 500mg×10capsules×3 small boxes (30 capsules each big box)
[Usage and Dosage] : once a day, one capsule each time
[Function] : weight loss, elimination of toxicant and skin care
[Note] : 90% of fat people who take this product can lose weight about 5kg after one month. Once your weight returns to normal, please stop taking it so as not too thin.
[Suitable Crowd] : fat people, especially suitable for people that exceed normal weight of 20%
[Unsuitable Crowd] : women during gestational period and lactation period
[Storage] : keep dry and away from moisture
[Caution] : Please stop taking the pills when your weight returns to normal.
[Quality Guaranteed Period] : 2 years

No diarrhea, no anorexia, no weakness and no need to change the daily food habits.

Accomodators to Tingmei Beauty Weight Loss Capsule:
1. Adolescent fat, single fat for over-nutrition
2. Fat but can hardly lose weight or easy to rebound
3. Fat for marriage, preganancy or turbulence incretion
4. Partial fat in necks, legs or stern.
5. Fat women who have or pregancy wrinkles in belly
6. Especially accommodate to people whose weight are 20% higher than the normal.

Details list:

  • Model: FLSB
  • 158309 Units in Stock